About US
It is the mission of the Missouri Quilt Museum to depict the history of quilting and sewing in North America by offering visual and interactive opportunities that educate and engage visitors in experiences that encourage an active interest in quilting and sewing.
The Missouri Quilt Museum has completed phase two of remodeling the 30,000 square foot Hamilton Schoolhouse! Taking on the remodel of a hundred year old building has been quite an undertaking and we are excited to share all our experiences with you. And surprise --> our elevator is up and running making our three story building accessible to all visitors!
With over 30,000 square feet of indoor space, and located on an entire city block, our goal is to create the largest, most interactive, Quilt Museum in the United States. As the official state museum, Missouri Quilt Museum hosts quilting exhibits from local artists as well as top designers from around the world! WE ARE MORE THAN JUST A QUILT MUSEUM. We have exhibits of antique sewing machines, vintage buttons, antique toy sewing machines, thimbles, and lots of other sewing memorabilia! A very special exhibit dedicated to Hamilton, the local residents, and the school itself will be a wonderful representation of where we came from and the rich history of Hamilton, Missouri.
The World's Largest Spool of Thread, measuring 22 feet tall and containing more than one million yards of AURIFIL thread, sits on the southwest corner of the property. Bring your thread and you can add it to the spool! In the coming months, sewing themed objects will be created and placed throughout the property! There will be activities for all ages.
We are so excited to be a part of remodeling this historic building. Although we love and support the Missouri Star Quilt Company, we are not affiliated with them, and therefore are in constant need of funds to bring this opportunity to you. We are grateful for all the community support we've received and look forward to their continued support. We can't do this project alone and are asking for your help to make it happen. As a 501c3 not for profit entity, your donations are tax deductible! We have many ways to donate:
1. The easiest way to help us is to visit the museum. All admissions help keep us going! While you are there you can also buy something from our gift shop. All proceeds help fund the museum.
2. Become a supporting member. Individual and family memberships are available.
3. If you'd like to be a corporate sponsor by sponsoring an exhibit hall or room, please call or email us. These sponsorships are limited.
4. We are also looking for your treasured items to put in the quilt museum. If you have any items that you would like to display, donate, or loan, please let us know and we can honor you and help preserve your treasures!
You can mail any items or donations to:
Missouri Quilt Museum
300 East Bird Street
Hamilton, MO 64644
5. Accessibility Fund. Everyone loves the Missouri Quilt Museum. To help more people see the wonderful exhibits we were blessed by many individuals to procure the funds to add an elevator! And now we need to add a wheelchair ramp to the facility. Every dollar helps! Your donations are tax deductible!