In early April I arrived at The Missouri Quilt Museum just after a donation had been made. This is not an unusual occurence, as we have had so many people so generously support the museum. Donating the machines they learned to sew on, their grandmother's quilt collection and other wonderful sewing and quilting notions.

Often times, it will be several weeks (sometimes months) before I complete the research on them, photograph and catalog them. However, today Cameron was adamant that I took a look right away. "Mom, you have got to come see these!" Before me was a modern portable spool cabinet and 3 beautiful machines- a Sewette Toy, A Modern Singer Curvy, and a mid century stunner- green Elna!

I immediately told him to run downstairs and grab Elna's baby! We have the full size Elna and her toy counterpart! So COOL!!

The story doesn't begin or end there, however. You see, the sweet gal that donated these items was attending a Doan Girls retreat and was staying at Hotel Hamilton. She had recently lost her mother whom the machines had belonged to. She shared stories of her sweet mom and the influence that she had on her throughout her life. She spoke of the Elna and how it had blessed their family greatly as her mom would help support the family making clothing and other items on that machine. We cried together as she told me how difficult it was to part with them and that her father and brother also had a difficult time, but recognized that a museum where so many people could enjoy them would be the best place for them to reside.
I am so grateful to so many who entrust us with their family heirlooms, with part of their personal history. And I am beyond honored to have the opportunity to share them with the world!
UPDATE: Just last week, Doreen visited Hamilton again, attending another retreat, and stopped in to the museum. We brought the machines forward from the back to show her they were still there, and she had a moment. A quiet beautiful moment connecting and reflecting. Again, I teared up as I recognized the sacrifice it has been to let go of some of her mothers belongings. Especially those that played such a pivotal role in her childhood, her story.
These machines are now on display on the main floor ...

- Elna with her baby ~ mother and daughter together again!

The curvy along side another Singer signature machine, and of course the spool holder.
And Sewette? Well, she matches the quilt I found in the dumpster years ago- that same color of burgundy! So she lives right in front of that old quilt and helps it smile!
I love what I get to do every day. God is good!