God Bless America. Land that I Love!
I'm a country-all-American girl, from my toes all the way up! The site of an American Flag raised high and waving in the breeze gives me butterflies and chills, every time!

Add in a patriotic song, a United States Veteran or Soldier,
or even a holiday.... I am mush- all the feels and lots of tears.
What is more American than Old Glory?
There was no question in my mind that we needed an exhibit each year at the museum dedicated to this glorious representation of America.
We bring you "Land That I Love" a large collection of quilts from Quilt Guilds right here in Missiouri. From Stars and Stripes to National Monuments this exhibit will celebrate tradition, honor and all that is good on Independence Day!

Have you made a quilt from the line called "Land that I Love" by Deb Strain for Moda? Show us on our facebook page! We would love to see them.